Ryan Du Val
Human Centered Designer
Crafting simple solutions to complex challenges

Project Portfolio
Redesigning a Non-Profits website
Product Design | UX | Visual Design
Applied design principles to the website of a 2500 year old tradition to give it a fresh 21st century makeover.
Designing & Building a CRM database
Information Architecture | Database Design | UX
Constructing clarity from chaos: making sense of a non-profits data to better serve its customers and employees.
Online course & curriculum design
Instructional Design | Product Design | UX
Bringing ancient wisdom to the modern world through learning design & online course development for a traditional Buddhist college.
For the last seven years as a Product Designer at a mission-driven transnational non-profit, I designed and implemented a multitude of projects with a variety of teams bridging cultures, languages and countries. Everyone was expected to accomplish things quickly, thoroughly and to the highest standards, while always bringing mindfulness and compassion to our work- applying these qualities to ourselves, our coworkers and our customers.
Through my years of experience, I have developed an eye for identifying projects that both meet the needs of our customers and align with the company’s vision and mission. My projects showed results by growing our customer base maintaining high levels of customer retention and increasing revenue, while simultaneously improving efficiency in our administrative systems and work flow.
I managed multiple concurrent projects and was responsible for leading both local and dispersed teams in seeing these projects through to completion. I wore many hats, from participating in strategic visioning, to developing the tools and products that would bring us closer to that vision. My background in both computer science and graphic design support the variety of skills required in product design.
Both in my life and in my work, I try to take steady measurable steps towards a goal while always being mindful of unexpected opportunities that arise on the periphery. This approach has served me well in finding nuanced solutions to complex problems.
Working for a nonprofit requires creativity, thriftiness, energy and ownership. I have a track record of doing a lot with very little and always bringing my positive attitude and sense of humor to every situation.
When I’m not working, you might find me playing the guitar or mandolin along with some upbeat folk or bluegrass music. Or if you don’t hear me, I may be quietly sitting on my meditation cushion, exercising my mind in an attempt to cultivate better mental habits of awareness, responsiveness and insight. But if I’m doing neither of these, then I’m probably out hiking the majestic trails in California’s Sierra range or appreciating the expansive views from a ridgeline in Big Sur.
Murals, Portraits and Other Artwork
From the recreation of classics paintings to modern day public murals, personal portriats, still life and whimsical musings, the process of painting has always been an anchor for me in the timeless traditions and methods of pre-digital art and design.